Physical Therapy

7 Tips to Be a Better Manager in Your Physical Therapy Practice

7 tips to be a better manager in your physical therapy practice

  • What's the best way to manage a physical therapy practice?
  • Producing a positive environment is important, but sometimes day-to-day challenges make that difficult.
  • Learn the seven tips on how you can be a better manager for your physical therapy practice.

Managing a physical therapy practice can sometimes be a tricky process. While most clinics aim to create an environment that produces a positive environment with successful patient outcomes, day-to-day management can present complicated challenges that can be as individual as the employees who work there. How do you manage it all? Here are seven tips on how you can be a better manager for your physical therapy practice.

1. Be Passionate

If you’re passionate about being a physical therapist, show it! Your staff and your patients will notice, and your enthusiasm will rub off on them. If you’re feeling a bit burned out some days, it may be helpful to write down what you love about your job and keep it in the forefront of your mind on those tough days. Or perhaps it’s time for a vacation! Either way—you got into private practice physical therapy because you love to help people heal; that’s something to be passionate about!

2. Communicate More With Individual Employees

Communication is the key to managing and engaging with your team. Team meetings are great, but it’s not always enough. Make sure you touch base individually with each employee so they know they have an open line of communication with you. You can have one-on-one meetings once a month or perhaps just make an effort to chat with each employee on a daily basis.

If you keep those lines of communication open, you’ll be able to better coach, direct, and encourage your employees. Your employees will also feel more comfortable coming to you with any issues or concerns at work.

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3. Be Clear About Accountability

Communicating often and effectively with your employees can also set the stage for accountability. It’s important that your employees know exactly what is expected of them at all times and that they will be held accountable for their responsibilities. You can be the model for accountability. If your team can depend on you to get things done, they will follow in your footsteps.

4. Resolve Conflicts

One of the toughest things about managing people is resolving conflicts. Conflicts will arise at some point or another, and often they can linger for months at a time if not appropriately handled.

If any of your team members are experiencing a conflict, it’s important you address it immediately in a calm, respectful manner. Listen to both sides of the conflict and determine the solution that is best for the team members and your practice as a whole. Do not let conflicts go unanswered because it could result in your patients suffering from the tension among your staff, and you could even lose some of your best employees.

5. Increase Your Organizational Skills

In order to run an efficient business, you must keep yourself organized. By putting schedules, reminders, and organizational systems in place for yourself (and your team), you will be able to get more work done and lessen the risk of making mistakes.

Everyone is different when it comes to staying organized. Find what works best for you and what allows you to work efficiently and increase productivity.

6. Learn As You Go

There is never a time when it’s okay to stop learning. You should both continue your clinical education and your business education. You may be an expert in the musculoskeletal system, but you’re likely not an expert in the business. You can learn about billing, insurance negotiation, branding, leadership, and more by taking online courses or reading the thousands of books on these subjects. You can also learn about all these topics and more in the FYZICAL Resource Center.

7. Share Responsibilities

Delegation is so important for your success and the success of your whole practice. You can’t be expected to do it all, and you have a team of qualified people supporting you. Your team will feel much more empowered and engaged if you allow them to take on some of your responsibilities. Your employees may have writing, billing, or social media skills—use that to your advantage. Trust them to take the wheel, and with your training and guidance, your team will be able to take on these responsibilities and free you up to focus on management or any of the other things you’ve been trying to get around to.

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