Physical Therapy

5 Reasons Why Every Physical Therapy Practice Should be Blogging

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Why blog? Although you may have scoffed at the word “blog” when it became mainstream in the early 2000s (I must admit, I did!), it didn’t turn out to be a fleeting fad. Whether it be for personal or business use, blogging has become a great tool in marketing.


Business blogging allows you to offer something to your audience and create leads. The more great blogs you post, the more potential clients you gain. These individuals can become patients—and we could all use more patients!

Let’s see the reasons why blogging is great marketing tactic! 

1. It helps drive traffic to your website

Do you want more website visitors? We all do!

In order to be prevalent on search engines, your website needs to be ‘active’. Well, you can only update your “About Us” page so much, so how can you keep your website active? By adding blog posts!

Each time you post a blog it is one more indexed page on your website. This allows you more opportunity to show up in search engines. Each indexed page (blog post) you add, gives Google and other search engines a cue that your website is active and they should check in to see what new content has been added.

Blogging also helps you get discovered on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). You can post your blogs on all of your social media with a tailored message and your readers will be led to your website. Then, they are free to explore your website as they please.

You can also use paid social media promotion to target your audience more specifically. With paid ads, you know the right people will see your blog post. Your readers can then share the blog on their personal social media pages to even more potential readers!

2. It helps you convert that traffic into leads

Each blog post you write should contain a call-to-action (CTA). A CTA is often in the form of a button or link.

A CTA leads to something like a tip sheet, free webinar, whitepapers, free guides, or anything that your reader would be willing to exchange their email address for.

For example:

  • Visitor comes to website to read blog about concussions
  • Visitor sees CTA for a free offer for concussion testing at your clinic
  • Visitor clicks the CTA and is led to a landing page that contains a form for him/her to fill out with first name, last name and email address, with a few bullet points on why they need this test.
  • Visitor fills out the form and submits the information
  • Visitor receives the free offer and a follow up email

This visitor above is now considered a lead and you can now reach out to them regarding concussion testing and additional treatment. From here, you can build a lifetime relationship with patient.

3. Long-term results

Continuously track your views on your new and old blogs! Your blogs never stop ranking in search engines. So, even though your blog last week has not gotten as many views today as it did the first day, doesn’t mean it is a failure. In fact, your blog will continue to gain views for weeks, months and years!

Your efforts today could turn into hundreds and thousands of views and leads down the road. Then, you can turn those leads into patients, and continue to grow your business for the years to come.

4. You will help patients in your area

Because you are an expert in patient care, you have a lot to offer your community, even when you’re not face-to-face. You may have specialized expertise in health and exercise, pediatrics, women’s health, etc. If you can use blogs to offer at-home remedies for ailments or tips for physical improvement, you will be helping people even when you aren’t right in front of them.

For example, someone in your community may be having some joint pain and type “joint pain management” into Google, hoping for a quick answer. Your blog on “5 Tips for Managing Arthritis” appears on the first page, they click and read about your tips for decreasing the pain. If this reader takes your advice and the tips work for them, they will be so relieved and happy you helped them! In the future, you will be their first choice when needing treatment.

5. This will also help build your reputation in the area

By offering consistent advice, tips and education on health topics to your audience, you will build a reputation as an expert in your area for whatever it is that you are writing about.

Whether it be healthy eating, or orthopedic health, the more often you post and offer beneficial information to your audience, the better your reputation.

There was and continues to be measurable success due to blogging efforts from business owners all over the world. Now is the time to jump on the bandwagon! Do your research, brainstorm topics and start writing! It may be a scary concept because it’s new, but we have some simple tips for creating great blogs for your website.

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