The following is a patient story update from ENT, Dr. Richard Hebert.
“Well, here is an update on our very first vestibular therapy patient treated by my Clinical Director, Dr. Scott Boudreaux, DPT, at our FYZICAL Dizziness & Fall Prevention Center.
First of all, it’s important to know this patient is 90-years-old and living independently at home. This in and of itself is amazing, but genetics, determination and the drive to keep busy are all part of his method. He keeps himself busy with home projects in and outside, watches his weight, does 5 miles on a stationary bike every day, and works out his brain with solitaire and computer challenges daily as well. So, with all of this going for him, why would he worry about, as he describes, a little “old man balance issue”? He’s got this longevity thing under control – But does he?
This summer, he realized how quickly it could all slip away. While walking from a parked car to a restaurant, he fell, striking his head on a parking curb. A large laceration (Thankfully a negative CT without any sign of a fracture or hemorrhage) was all that resulted from this quick misstep. But his psyche and confidence were shaken, because he knew how easily this could have been his demise or put him into a state where he could no longer live independently.
Then comes the opening of FYZICAL Dizziness & Fall Prevention Center. He underwent the extensive vestibular (dizzy) diagnostic testing, followed by an evaluation with Dr. Boudreaux, in my balance center, resulting in the development of a vestibular rehabilitation plan of care. During his initial evaluation, he could not even stand up or remain stationary on a soft training beam. Now, he is whistling away as he side-steps his way across the sponge beam, without looking, all the while feeling secure in his safety overhead support system!
What a great feeling for all involved in this transformation! His balance has significantly improved, while continuing therapy, and living life much safer. And, currently, he is feeling invigorated again and more confident in his mobility, his driving, and the ability to remain independent! He is Loving His Life again!
Wouldn’t you like to give your loved one this gift of a chance to stay safely independent? I would and I did! In full disclosure, this patient is my father-in-law, and one of the main reasons we brought FYZICAL Dizziness & Fall Prevention Centers to Lafayette, LA. We know there are lots of other similar individuals in our communities, and yours, in need of this service. We are here for them, and you can be too! Explore what FYZICAL can do for your business and your patients. You’ll be glad you did (and so will your community!)"
-Richard L.(Chip) Hebert, II, MD
Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgeon