Physical Therapy Business

Rejuvenating My Career as a Mature Practitioner

Medical team clapping  their hands during a meeting

One of Carl Stephenson’s partners is Dr. James Edgar Shotts, an otolaryngologist approaching the climax of his career. A few years ago, Shotts reached an age where he was no longer comfortable performing surgeries for his patients, but he was not ready to retire. He reduced his practice load to part time, and his interest as a practitioner started to dwindle. He had considered retiring for a handful of years, until his partner Carl brought FYZICAL to the business. Shotts hasn’t looked back since.

Shotts shares his story on how FYZICAL has completely stimulated his mentality as a physician, and has entered a self-proclaimed ‘renaissance’ with his career.

"Many years ago, I started in solo practice with a fervent desire to give my patients the best and most advanced care possible. The practice grew rapidly and expanded to a 4 physician group. Our group brought modern sinus surgery to the area, introduced maxillofacial and facial plastic surgery, was instrumental in building the first out-patient surgery center in West Alabama, and has always been responsible for bringing change and remaining in the forefront of otolaryngology in West Alabama.PG 3-Shotts Feature.jpg

When I stopped performing surgery… I realized how large of a role surgery played as a motivator in my career. We all enjoy performing surgery and helping our patients, but mature practitioners cannot expect to perform surgery forever. For the physician looking to slow down or completely stop performing surgery, FYZICAL is the answer to continue helping your patients and continue having meaningful interactions. You and FYZICAL can and will truly make a difference in the future lives of these patients.

It has stimulated my career, and I am truly back to enjoying this. Seeing in-office patients gets me excited and energized again. It has led to a career reinvigoration and my entire approach as an ENT has been transformed.

All physicians have a desire to be of help to fellow man. We took this path because we like to help people. This service is helping people in a way we’ve never been able to before. I think about how we used to run from these patients!

Take a look at all the patients you have seen over the years with balance problems, and think about the value you could have added to their lives with this service. We see so many of these patients as ENTs. A simple fall risk assessment and balance therapy could change their lives. Sure this will be a boost to your business, but the difference it makes on your patients’ lives is worth so much more. We’ve only been open for a year, and I’ve seen hugs and tears on occasion, joy like you’ve never seen from any patients.

Not only are we helping heal these patients with pain and suffering live a more enjoyable life (intervention), we’re also helping patients avoid the pain and suffering associated with falls in the first place (prevention). When it comes to intervention, western medicine is well ahead of the game. But, when it comes to prevention, we’re behind. FYZICAL is changing that, and leading the charge for prevention in healthcare here in the United States.

We’re all aware of the challenges we face as private practice owners. The medical delivery system is financially distressed due to the extreme cost of Medicare and insurance in general. FYZICAL is going to (and already is) play a major role in the future of healthcare. Those taking action on prevention will be rewarded.

I hate using this term because it’s cliché, but there is no better way to describe it. As a private practice otolaryngologist, this is a no-brainer for your business.

I welcome the opportunity to share my story, and information on our balance center with you one-on-one. Get in touch with the FYZICAL team, they will provide you with my contact information if you so choose.”

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