Physical Therapy

DPT Halves Ruptured Achilles Rehab Time with New Treatment Protocols

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Steve Ennis ruptured his left Achilles tendon on June 10th, 2017, and had it “sewn” back together on June 15th. He then started physical therapy on July 10th; one month after his injury.

“Amanda was my physical therapist and she put me through a variety of strengthening and stretching exercises. After two weeks of therapy, my doctor was very impressed with my progress and actually cleared me for a normal shoe - two weeks earlier than originally planned!

My foot is now at +20 degrees. I am walking again and I could not have done it without FYZICAL. Thank you Amanda!” - Steve Ennis

Ennis’ physical therapist, Amanda Martin DPT, CSCS, is extremely happy with the results. “Steve made excellent progress, and it was very rewarding to see him succeed the way he did.”

Steve’s success story is one of thousands. Amanda belongs to a group of forward thinking PTs, FYZICAL, and has access to a robust variety of continuing education programs with the latest treatment protocols.

These programs go well beyond traditional CEUs, and include much more than the latest protocols and cutting-edge technology for Manual Orthopedic Certification. All members have access to advanced online training, in-person workshops, and many members across the country are hosting their own workshops, for the benefit of the cooperative.

“It has helped me become the therapist I am today, and reinforced my skills to provide patients with the best quality of care to achieve the best possible outcomes,” Martin says.

The FYZICAL business model was founded by one of the best business minds in the world, Jim Abrams. Now, the brand is bringing together the brightest clinical minds from across the world.

As a cooperative group sharing resources, FYZICAL’s exponential growth enables integration of new experts and exploration of new ways to provide extensive training, certifications, and continuing education to physical therapists across the country.

One of FYZICAL’s newest experts focused every day on improving the outcomes in FYZICAL Gavin Hammer.pngcenters is Dr. Gavin Hammer, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT, Dip. MT (NZ), recently appointed as FYZICAL’s National Director of Orthopedic Education.

“I have been a self-employed educator for a number of years and seeing the FYZICAL model of treatment encouraged me to be part of a greater organization where I can be more effective in providing education, while also growing my knowledge base as well.”

Hammer graduated in New Zealand from the Otago School of Physiotherapy in 1979, going on to complete his post-graduate manipulative therapy training in 1991, subsequently awarded the Diploma of Manipulative Therapy (Dip MT), and completed his Doctorate of Physical Therapy in 2012 from Des Moines University-Osteopathic Medical Center. Through reciprocal agreements between New Zealand and the US, Hammer is now a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT), and with his New Zealand background, along with undertaking the Canadian Extremity/Vertebral manual therapy program, he has the experience and background to present an effective, evidence-based methodology of manual therapy management of musculoskeletal problems. He has also authored two books on syndrome-based management of the lumbar spine and pelvis.

In order to provide additional structure to continuing education, he has developed two series of courses. The ‘Certified New Zealand Concept Therapist’ (CNZCT) and a specialized hip program, ‘Hips for Life’. These courses bring evidence-based practice together with skilled manual therapy and functional exercise to maximize the non-surgical function of the adolescent athlete to the elderly, non-surgical hip pain patients.

Hammer is not the only recent addition to FYZICAL’s clinical education team.

Dr. Cynthia Neville PT, DPT, WCS was recently named FYZICAL’s National Director of Pelvic Health 

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Neville is a board-certified Women's Health Certified Specialist (WCS). She works with women and men of all ages suffering from pelvic floor disorders including: urinary incontinence, constipation, and pelvic pain. She also specializes in physical therapy for women with problems related to pregnancy and childbearing, like pelvic girdle pain and painful intercourse after delivery.

Neville is an internationally recognized educator and speaker in the 

clinical practice area of pelvic and women’s health and rehabilitation and has trained hundreds of therapists and physicians in pelvic floor examination and treatment, and rehabilitation for pregnancy related musculoskeletal problems.

Before developing FYZICAL’s Pelvic Health and Wellness Program, Neville developed Pelvic and Women’s Health Rehabilitation Programs at renowned healthcare organizations, including the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, and Brooks Rehabilitation in Jacksonville, Florida. She is Clinical Faculty member of the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, and guest faculty at Florida Gulf Coast University in Ft. Myers.

Neville has also authored several research articles to contribute to the scientific body of knowledge in this specialized area of clinical care. She has presented her research at national and international meetings including the World Congress of Physical Therapy, the International Continence Society, the World Congress of Low Back and Pelvic Pain, and the APTA.

FYZICAL’s educational expertise doesn’t stop here. In our last issue, you met Dr. Rick Douglass, the National Director of Education for FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers. His mission is to bring the most effective treatments and equipment to the FYZICAL family, helping FYZICAL centers across the country become known for the highest quality of patient care not only in balance, but also for orthopedic rehabilitation.

The mission is clear. The best patient care across the globe.

FYZICAL centers across the country see a wide range of orthopedic patients, back pain, pre and post-surgical, neck pain, vestibular, TMJ, etc.

FYZICAL is already becoming known to patients and referring doctors as the clear experts in balance and vestibular training in America and now on a mission to assure FYZICAL earns that same reputation in the field of Orthopedic Rehabilitation.

In addition to constant training and networking across the brand, FYZICAL has developed an online learning college, a continuously evolving program dedicated to providing the highest quality patient care and step-by-step processes. Clinicians are not the only staff in the practice who need continuing education. This program has everything from billing, to insurance reimbursement, to human resources, to marketing and branding. Nowhere else can you find a more comprehensive place to learn everything there is to know about not only treating patients, but managing a profitable business as well.

“If you are serious about patient care, I invite you to explore how our group is changing healthcare and how you can be a part of it,” urges Dr. Douglass.

The group is continuously seeking the best and the brightest minds in healthcare, there is nowhere to go but up. “Our group is changing the way healthcare is delivered. We are moving people away from relying on whatever their insurance covers and recognize the value of taking care of themselves and taking care of their team,” says Dr. Douglass.

The fastest growing healthcare franchise in America continues its rapid growth, and the team of experts dedicated to help the FYZICAL franchisees grows stronger each and every day.

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